Endowment Capital

An Endowment Capital of a Charity Foundation is the funds managed by a Foundation and sepatared from all other assets for an indefinite period of time, and income from invested capital is used to achieve the public benefit objectives set out in the Foundation's articles of association. This means that the Foundation does not directly use the assets entrusted to it to finance operating costs, but invests it in accordance with a defined investment strategy and finances it's projects and activities [in whole or in part] from the return on investment received. In this way, the donors' funds "work" for indefinite time and enable the Foundation to create a long-term and sustainable source of funding.

On November 13th, 2023 The Center of Registers registerred our Endowment Capital and we have started its management. 

Endowment Capital presentation


Invest into our Endowment Capital (donation agreement) and make your philanthropy impactful for ages:

Beneficiary: M. Čiuželio labdaros ir paramos fondas 
Registration code: 303474437
Bank: Swedbank, AB
Address: Konstitucijos pr. 20A, Vilnius, Lithuania
IBAN: LT36 7300 0101 6209 0191
Details: for Endowment Capital